Monday, October 7, 2013

Our adventures!

During my stay in Corsica, I got the chance to visit and explore many different places. But the most important part was to catch up with a good friend of mine who I had not seen for years!! We talked a lot **Obviously!! We are women!! DUH! :P**, we ate like pigs **Obviously!! It's Annie! DUH!! ;)**, we had so much fun, we had good laughs, and we had unexpected adventures!

1) On our route during our road trip, we made a few stops to eat, rest, and take pictures. The ride went smoothly... Until we took that turn...

Then "BOOM!" ... TRAFFIC!! That was terrible!! I've never seen something like that! It took us a while to be able to beat that traffic, but it was sooooo funny that I was actually glad that it happened! I was dying of laughter! HAHAHHAHA...

2) We got to our hotel after a long drive. It was actually under big renovations... Drilling and banging sounds, and paint smell... First impression = BIG FAIL! Then we got to our room. It was damp and cold. There was no hot water. It didn't look really clean. No wonder it was the only place that wasn't fully booked!! Thus we decided to go around and look for another hotel. We prayed that there would be availabilities somewhere else.

Luckily, we found one! This room was much, much better! It was nicely decorated, very cute and cozy... As you can tell, I was dead tired. I actually had a good night sleep that night ;) Thank GOD!

3) We got back to Bastia pretty late that day. Therefore, we decided to grab a bite somewhere around the downtown area. For some reasons, it was very crowded. We drove in circle so many times in order to find a parking spot. We finally got one and good thing it was on one of the main streets. Then we had dinner, walked around and slowly headed back. When we got to the car, this is what we saw...

I was like "WHAT?!?!? REALLY?!?! You really parked your car in the middle of the street blocking another car?? WOW!" We looked on the windshield of our car to see if there was a contact number. NOTHING! We looked into the other car hoping that it was on 'neutral' so we could push it. NO, IT WASN'T! Then, my friend honked for a minute - or two - Finally, a guy came. I was ready to tell him off. But he came with a big smile telling us that he left the key in his car so we could move it. For a second time, I was like " WHAT?!?!? REALLY?!?! You really left your key in the car?? WOW!"

Apparently, that situation is very common in Corsica. Moral of this story: If you ever go to Corsica and need a car, you now know what to do... Look into people's cars! You might find a key!

Live, Love, Laugh... Good times!! Good times!! :D

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Horizon...

A lovely friend of mine, Brittany, once told me that looking at the horizon makes a person happy. At that time, a lot of changes were happening in my life: beautiful, ugly, happy, sad, all kinds... I have to admit that it wasn't easy. I remember that day she and I were having a serious conversation, sitting at a cafe in Worthing, England located right in front of the sea. She comforted me... I looked at the horizon... dropped a tear... and smiled. It worked :)
**Brittany: Thanks hun! By the way, I miss you! Come back to Canada!! Xx

Out of all the places I've been to in Europe, Corsica was one of my favorites. Obviously, there are still so many, many beautiful places in this whole world for me to explore, but so far I have a little something extra for that island.

Why? Hmm... I think places that have both water and mountains are sooo beautiful and they give a relaxing, laid-back atmosphere. The horizon there was just WOW! I could just sit there, enjoy the amazing view and do nothing all day.  I was at a point of my life where I was learning to think ABOUT MYSELF and do things FOR MYSELF... Looking at that line which separates the ocean below and the universe above made me feel free... Then I started to dream and imagined myself going to any directions, no matter if it was up in the air or down in the water, that leads me to happiness. 

Corsica was one of the best therapies! Obviously, having a good shoulder to lean on helped a lot as well.  **Thank you Sandrine for being so understanding and supportive. LOVE YOU!!! Bisous

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Roadtrip up to the mountains

As you know, I am an easy-going friendly person, thus I don't have any problems making new friends. I have always been lucky enough to meet nice people wherever I go and I am blessed to have good friends a bit everywhere around the world!

When I got to Corsica, I didn't have to think about anything. Sandrine had planned a whole itinerary for me! She is just TOOOOO nice!!! Because she knows I love taking pictures of the sceneries, she decided to take me up the mountains where we could view amazing landscapes.

We packed for our 2-day journey, prepared snacks to munch on, and left for the adventures! WOOTWOOT!

We actually crossed the island from east to west taking narrow winding roads through the mountains. **Here's an advice: If you have motion sickness, DO take meds because it was quiet "wavy" in the car ;) Fortunately, I didn't get sick and GOOD THING that I didn't because I would have missed all the beautiful views... It was absolutely breath-taking!

La réserve de Scandola

If you like the landscapes, Corsica is THE place to go!! It is an island that has the best combination of mountains, rocks, sea, sand, blue sky, greens, water, clouds, whatever you would like to see... AND I don't know why, but my friend The Sun is just more friendly there!! :D

These pictures were taken at the end of the month December! Can you imagine?!?! DECEMBER!!! Isn't it beautiful?? Does the sun look stunning?? See!! I'm not lying!! ;)

Oh! I forgot to say that my friend is actually a tourist guide of HER CORSICA (That's how she calls it!).  She obviously knows where to take me in order to get the best shots! So, if you ever decide to go to Corsica, you can hire her to take you around! ( Sandrine, je te trouve des clients!! :P ) She'll be more than happy to!!

Hello AGAIN!!! :)

Hi everybody!

As you can tell, I've been slacking off for the past few months! I haven't written anything on my blog for reaaallyyy long time! Well, as you all know, I was busy travelling the "world" :P . I was hopping from country to country and continent to continent! That is why I didn't bring my laptop with me and that is also why I have A LOT to catch up with you guys!

I came back in July and have been busy since. I was busy meeting up with my family and friends, working here and there, looking for a job in my field, and BLA-BLA-BLA-BLA-BLAH. But when I talk about my experiences to people I meet, I just have that amazing feeling coming back to my heart and beautiful images, in my head EVERY SINGLE TIME. I get all bubbly and my minds goes back to whatever place my stories tell me to.

Now that I am a bit more stable back in Montreal, it is the time for me to continue sharing my exciting adventures abroad with you all. Oh GOD! I have so much to write about!! Hopefully, I'll be able to be consistent in my writing!

Ok... Now let's go back to where I left you guys... in CORSICA! :)

Aaaaahh **sigh**... Let the dreams start all over... AGAIN! :D

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Bonne fete petit frere! ;)

Bonne fete a mon petit frere... qui est plus grand que moi!! :P 

Depuis longtemps je me suis dit que je voulais une soeur a la place d'un frere... comme j'etais mechante! Mais, aujourd'hui, je peux te dire que je suis vraiment chanceuse de t'avoir comme frere! Ces dernieres annees, tu as beaucoup pris soin de moi et je t'en remercie beaucoup! 

Cette annee, tu es officiellement rendu (et tu dois etre) un grand garcon!! Tu as franchi une nouvelle etape de la vie et je suis fiere de toi! Toutes mes felicitations! Je sais que tu vas etre un tres bon parent et j'ai confiance que la petite Emmy est chanceuse d'avoir un pere comme toi!

Amuse-toi bien! Aies une premiere belle celebration avec ta petite famille! 
On se voit bientot!

Meme si on ne se le dit pas... Je sais que tu sais que je t'aime fort! :D

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Joyeux anniversaire a ma meilleure amie!!

Bonne fete ma chere Xuan!

21 ans se sont ecoules depuis la premiere fois qu'on s'est rencontree!! Wow! Comme le temps a passe vite! Aujourd'hui, j'ai beaucoup pense a toi... Je me suis projetee dans le passe et j'ai rememore de nos journees lorsqu'on jouait au parc jusqu'a sauter a l'elastique, a notre premier "crush", a notre premiere fois au "club", a notre premier voyage, notre concert de Lam Fung hahahaha... Ah! Que des souvenirs! ;)
Comme on a vecu de hauts et de bas, comme on a ri et pleure, comme on a pris des decisions serieuses et stupides, comme on a eu du plaisir et de peine... Comme on a TOUT partage!! Je suis chanceuse de t'avoir rencontree, il y a 21 ans, et d'avoir construit une amitie aussi forte, au fil des annees, avec une personne merveilleuse comme toi! Je te remercie d'etre presente pour moi peu importe la distance qui nous separe! Tu occuperas toujours une place importante et speciale dans mon coeur!

Evidemment, cette annee, comme les 4 - 5 dernieres annees, je manque ton anniversaire :s Tu dois etre rendue habituee la! SORRY!!! Mais je vais etre de retour bientot et on se reprendra!! Amuse-toi cette fin de semaine!


Je t'embrasse fort, my friend!
A bientot!
PS: Mi lub you long time!! :D

 2013 :D

Monday, February 25, 2013

My first night in Bastia

If you know me well, I usually don't eat a lot, BUT I am always hungry. However, when I travel, I tend to eat a bit more because my eyes are bigger than my stomach and I want to try everything!! :D

That first day I got in Corsica, Sandrine and her boyfriend Olivier took me to a really good Italian restaurant called Gratzie Mille at the city center. OH GOD... I really ate like a GROSSE PORK!! The food was so good that I actually finished
everything!! :O

Carpaccio, Salmon linguini, Tiramisu! 
See how happy I was :P

Sandrine and Olivier

After that delicious meal, we went for a walk to the harbor... and it was beautiful!!! Bastia is a very, very charming city. It might by small, but WOW! The water, the boats, the buildings' architecture make the city so cozy with a really laid back feel. Loved it!

Isn't it PRETTY?!?!? Aaaah... Wish I can go back! :)

My Corsican friend!

Hmm... Where do I start?

I met this lovely girl 6 years ago at Concordia University in one of my English classes. It started with something like "Hey! Sorry... I haven't bought my book yet. Would you mind if I follow along with you?" and our friendship started to grow from that day.

Sandrine is her name. She was an exchange student from Corsica. She told me so much about her  island that I kind of fell in love with that place without really knowing anything about it... A bit like falling in love with a stranger :P I got my imagination going and in my mind I pictured that beautiful place with a blue sea, mountains everywhere, warm temperatures. I then told myself that one day I would go there!

During her stay in Montreal, I showed her around, brought her to different places AND obviously the good restaurants (my expertise :D ) We had very good times together "girl-talking", eating, eating, AND eating :P I actually really missed those good times I had with her.

After 6 years of dreaming, I finally got the chance and went to Corsica! The cute girl I met years ago has now turned into a beautiful woman with full of confidence who is pursuing her carrier as she always wanted to. One thing has not changed is her energetic and crazy personality which I love! So can you imagine what happened when another hyper girl joined the other?!? Oh yeah, that's right baby... CRAZINESS is in the house!! WOOT WOOT! :P

This time, it was her turn to take me around... to beautiful places, good restaurants! And guess what we did?! We talked, talked, and talked... We ate, ate, and ate!! 6 years of catching up... That's pretty long time!!

Thank you sweetheart for EVERYTHING!!! I miss you! Hope to see you before I go back to Montreal ;)

Un petit stop à P-A-R-I-S! Oui?!

Aaah... Paris, la ville romantique! Si vous êtes en Europe, il faut absolument passer à Paris!

Paris est une grande ville magnifique avec tout plein d'endroits à visiter. Autres que les monuments historiques et touristiques, il y a toujours des petits passages et ruelles à découvrir. Au nombre d'arrondissements qu'il y a, ce ne sont pas les places à explorer qui manquent!

Je me suis arrêtée à Paris pour une nuit. C'était ma deuxième fois et j'étais autant éblouie que la première fois! Évidemment, lorsque j'ai vu la tour Eiffel, j'ai dit "Awww..."! Quoique je dois dire que, de jour, elle n'a pas rien de spécial... vraiment! C'est une super grande tour pointue faite de fer rouillé, donc elle est d'une couleur brune-orangée... Point!

Par contre, de nuit, elle est magnifique! Entièrement illuminée, on peut la voir de très loin. Si je me rappelle bien, elle scintille à chaque 30 minutes à partir de 10pm... Mais je l'ai raté! :S Aaargg... mais bon, peut-être la prochaine fois!

Je suis allée rencontrer un ami de Montréal qui était en France à ce moment là. J'ai rencontré sa cousine et son copain à elle qui sont français et vivent pas très loin de Paris.  Ils étaient très sympas! Ils m'ont fait visité le coin de la tour Eiffel.

Nous avons mangé des crêpes... J'ai mangé comme une GROSSE PORK! J'ai partage avec Laiet la moitié d'une crêpe classique jambon-fromage et une autre fraise-nutella-crème fouettée! Oh god, c'était vraiment trop hahaha...

Tour de bateau-mouche sur la Seine?!? C'était vraiment super! J'ai bien aimé! Il faut le faire au moins une fois! Un conseil que je vous donne si vous decidez vraiment de le faire... C'est bien de s'asseoir sur les sièges à l'intérieur, mais il est vraiment beaucoup mieux de rester debout à l'extérieur pour mieux voir les monuments et pour prendre de meilleures photos.

Et oui, une fois à Paris, il ne faut surtout pas raté les Champs Élysées... La "plus belle rue du monde" de le majorité des femmes! C'est en effet une très belle rue... pour faire du window shopping :P Mais, durant le temps des fêtes, il faut y promener... Il faut aller voir les lumières!

Aaaah... J'ai passé une excellente soirée à Paris! C'était court, mais bon, mieux que rien! Merci à mes amis français d'avoir pris le temps pour moi!! Bisous!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Christmas far from home...

Snow is beautiful... ONLY on Christmas day!! However, for once, I wished that I would see snow more often, especially during Christmas holidays, so I could feel like I was back home with you guys.  I wished that I would wake up seeing white everywhere... TA-DAM!! My wish was fulfilled! I woke up that morning and looked by the window... A smile brightened my face! A beautiful white Christmas was waiting for me :)

I had to leave Piestany that morning... I got ready, said goodbye to the Novelinkovas, and left with a big bag of snacks that Martina's mom prepared for me! She's too sweet! **Thank you for the amazing Christmas Eve celebration... I had a wonderful time with you all!** Then I took the train and headed off to Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia.

When I arrived in Bratislava, everything was closed. I walked around the city with my carry-on luggage, my handbag, and my camera... I wandered in the deserted streets of the city with really ONLY ME, MYSELF, AND I! It was cool to visit a place from another angle... quiet and empty... That does not happen often! **For some reasons, I felt like I was in a war video game looking for my way out... OK, OK too much imagination!! HAHAHAH...** Bratislava was very beautiful. It was a city with old architectural monuments and small pathways... Very charming!

After that little walk around the city, I took the bus to the International Vienna Airport to fly out to my next destination. I arrived there, checked in, and had my Starbucks that I missed so much. I then went to the gate... All of a sudden, I heard someone whispering "Annie..." which I totally ignored. A few seconds later, I heard "Annie..." again but a bit louder this time. I told myself it's impossible that it could be me because I know no one in Europe, especially not in Vienna. Then I heard "Annie Luc!!" Next thing you know, there was a dude standing next to me... Surprised of hearing my full name, I looked up... And WHAAT??!?! I saw a friend from Montreal who was taking the same plane as mine! We also found out that we were going to sit diagonally from each other! What a coincidence!

I started my day being a bit sad because it was Christmas day and I was about to spend it alone... But someone up there wanted me to be happy, so he/she sent me a friend for Christmas! :D

Christmas is magical... as much for little kids as BIG kids! Love it, love it, love it!! :P

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Joyeux Anniversaire ma cherie!

Bonne fete ma chère Soy!!

Je sais qu'on ne se voit pas souvent, même quand je suis à Montréal, mais je tiens à te dire que tu occupes une place spéciale dans mon coeur. Les années ont passé tellement rapidement! Il y a plein de choses qui se sont passées. Nos vies ont tranquillement changé, PAR CONTRE notre amitié est TOUJOURS restée la même!

Je te remercie pour toutes ces années d'amitié remplies de beaux souvenirs. Parfois, je repense à nos années du secondaire et ça me manque! On a passé par tous les stades ensemble... école, stupidités, conneries, clubbing, rires, pleurs, succès, échecs ;) Et dire qu'aujourd'hui tu as déjà 2 beaux enfants!! Et oui, les années avancent! ;)

Tu es une femme merveilleuse, intelligente **encore un peu slow :P** et ravissante. Je te souhaite le bonheur et l'amour que tu mérites. Profite de cette belle journée avec ta petite famille! On organisera un girls night à mon retour!!

Je t'embrasse!

PS: Je viens de remarquer que ça fait des années qu'on n'a pas pris de photos ensemble! Cette photo date de 9 ans! OH GOD!! YOUNG AND PRETTY huh?!? :P

Christmas Eve dinner in Slovakia ;)

On Christmas Eve we had a traditional Slovak meal. I enjoyed the food, I learned a lot... and 2013 will just be AMAZING!!  Find out why!

First, we started off with oplátky s medom a cesnakom which are 2 thin waffles with honey and fresh garlic. There is actually a meaning behind that. The honey is soft and sweet so it will bring softness and sweetness into our lives, and the garlic is for good health! Then we continued the meal with the kapustnica soup with mushrooms, prunes, and sauerkraut. The main dish was vysmážaný kapor so zemiakovým šalátom - carp with potato salad. Food was great!!

After the meal, the tradition continued... One person of the family had to cut an apple in half across its width. If the the five-pointed star is nicely shaped that means everyone will have a good year. If not then we all blame the person who cuts it hahahah.. Good thing that our apple **cut by Martina** was just perfect! :D YEY! Good year for ALL OF US!! 

When I was about to leave the table, Martina's mom told me to look under the mat. I found fish scales... from the fish I just ate! Then the mom said that I have to put those scales in my wallet; they will bring money to it!:P

You think Chinese people are superstitious?! MAN! Slovak people are the same!! heheh...  

I am glad that I had the opportunity to learn about the Slovak culture! 
Good times!! ;)

Supermom's biskupský chlebíček... MIAM! ;)

I haven't had good homemade cooking since the day I got in England :S Food here is BLAH... The family that I am staying with cook for me everyday. However, I do not get a healthy balanced diet as I would want it to be. Oh well, dinner is ready on the table everyday as soon as I arrive from work... So NO COMPLAINTS! ;)

When I was in Slovakia, I stayed at Martina's parents place. Her mom is just AH-MA-ZING!! She is like a machine and she cooks non-stop! All the food on the table was homemade FOR EVERY SINGLE MEAL... soup, main dish, dessert, cookies even the wine! That was just AWE-SOOOME!!! So imagine Annie who loves eating AND who is always hungry... It was PARADISE!! hahahah!! :P Mom's cooking is ALWAYS the best because it is made with love!! <3

(@Olga: Hey Olga, she kind of reminds me of your mom!!! Speaking of that, I miss your mom's spanakopita!! Mmmm...)

My favorite of all time in Slovakia was a cake-bread called biskupský chlebíček, which I had for EVERY morning for breakfast. There was nuts, dried cranberries and dried orange peels **if I'm not mistaken**. It was sooo gooood!! Martina's mom usually makes that only during Christmas time... and uh.. hum.. Within 3 days, I finished the WHOLE loaf by myself!!!  :S :P :D I could have finished it the first day, but I didn't want to show them that I am a BIG PORK! hahaha...

Oh yeah! I also tried this homemade sweet drink... containing alcohol :P Yeah, yeah... It's a drink for 'women'! It was really good. I actually finished my glass! WHAAT?!?! Impressed huh? I know! I was impressed of myself too hahahah...

Thank you supermom for your cake! It was DELICIOUSLY yummmyyy!! I miss you, supermom... and I miss you, biskupský chlebíček :P

Friday, January 25, 2013

Little town... Piestany

Piestany is a little town. There's not much to see really. But it is a very cute town with many tales and meanings behind them, which make it even more charming.

Martina took me around, and it was a quiet walk from the house to the town center. The only thing that we could hear was the snow crisping underneath our boots. Sometimes, doing nothing, hearing nothing, and thinking about nothing are necessary moments to give our brain a rest. I think that was exactly what I needed...

We were crossing a bridge when I saw two trees which captured my attention. They had a really special shape. Then Martina told me that those two trees are famous since they have been in a "tree competition" hahaha... I found that funny! They are called "Her and Him"... That's a tree couple! Isn't it cute?! ;)

Piestany is very well know for its hot springs spas with a temperature of 60C and up. They have apparently curative effects for rheumatic, neural, and orthopedic diseases. I love natural thermal baths, but unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to go. However, I got the chance to touch the water... It was really super hot! I wish I could have gone! Oh well, maybe next time!! ;)

We got to the town center and the first thing that put a smile on my face was the ice rink! I haven't seen one for so long! **The one in England doesn't count because it's not an ice rink... It's a pool :P** For some reasons (probably because it was during Christmas time and I missed home) it made me think of my brother and I when we went skating at the park behind our house. It was really cold, but we had so much fun... Aaah when we were kids... No worries, no headaches! Good times, good memories!

We walked around the small 'downtown'. Most of the shops were closed since people were preparing for the Christmas Eve celebration. Thus, we were just window shopping and there was a yellow sweater that caught my eyes. I got closer to the window and this was what I saw ;)

 It says:
Campus League 1979
Canadian Style
Québec City

**By travelling around, I have noticed that I am really proud of being Canadian! Everything that has to do with Canada would make me smile. CANADA WOOT WOOT!!!

It was actually pretty cold that day, so after walking around 'downtown' which took us 10 minutes :D, we went to a cute little coffee shop called Monsalvy to warm us up. Their thick hot chocolates were soooo yummy!!! Mmmm... Drooling right now!

 Coconut and Raspberry :D~~

Thank you Martina for the amazing 'city' tour! Even though I make fun of Piestany, I did like YOUR hometown! :D



I was going to take a picture of the tree couple when a sweet couple of elders holding hands were passing by... Awww... I had to take this picture! It's just so cute!!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Joyeux anniversaire à une bonne amie à moi :)

Bonne Fête ma Davy chérie!!

Je sais que normalement, peu importe où je suis dans ce monde, je suis TOUJOURS à Montréal pour ta fête. Malheureusement, cette fois, je ne pourrai pas faire de même. C'est la première fois en tant d'années et je suis vraiment désolée! Je ne suis peut-être pas présente avec toi, mais, dans mon coeur, je pense à toi en cette journée spéciale.

On s'est connu à l'âge de 8 ans et je me rappelle comme si c'était hier! Le temps a faufilé et ces ans ont passé tellement vite! Après toutes ces années d'amitié, je tiens à te dire que tu es une amie qui m'est très chère... Tu es une bonne personne avec un très bon coeur. Tu es sans doute une amie qui est toujours prête à prendre ma défense pour quoi que ce soit. J'apprécie tout ce que tu fais pour moi et je te remercie énormément!

Amuse-toi bien cette fin de semaine! On se reprendra à mon retour... très bientôt!


PS: Je ne te le dis pas souvent, mais... I LOVE YOU!!! :D